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It doesn't sound all that impossible, does it? In fact, any case would be somewhat reasonable.

It doesn't seem any distance to the station now that. I've got used to walking it. 我习惯了步行去车站,所以这段路显得并不远。
It doesn't seem fair that some people lead lives of luxury, while others have nothing at all. 有些人过着奢侈的生活,而另有一些人一无所有,这似乎是不公平的。
It doesn't seem fair-it isn't-but symmetrical men also make better lovers. 似乎不太公平--的确是不公平--但身材匀称的男人也是比较好的情人。
It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑, 恰恰相反, 它挺美.
It doesn't signify, so you needn't worry about it. 这无所谓, 你不必担心.
It doesn't sound all that impossible, does it? In fact, any case would be somewhat reasonable. 这些都不是完全不可能,对吧?实际上,(以上)任何一例都有些许道理。
It doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short. 你不适合剪短发.
It doesn't surprise me at all. 我一点儿也不吃惊。
It doesn't take long after your plane has landed to realize Bermuda is a special place. 初到百慕大,你就会被它的与众不同所吸引。
It doesn't take much to bring on a blue day. 其实一点小事就让你一天都郁闷难当。
It doesn't take too much stretch of the imagination to realize that John is besieged with adoring and pleading notes from thousands of movie fans. 无需多想就可以知道来自成千上万的影迷表示景慕和恳求的信件一定把约翰弄的应接不暇。

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