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Managers should also be excellent psychologists.

Managers inside a department possess job-specific skills and are known as, for example, marking managers or manufacturing managers. 部门内的管理者一般拥有专业的工作技能,称之为营销部门经理或者生产部门经理等。
Managers made it clear that they would much rather lend Steve McClaren their players for get-togethers, though the Football Association disapprove of the idea as they need to host lucrative games at the new Wembley. 经理们明确表示,他们更愿意把球员借给史蒂夫·麦克拉伦去集训,尽管足总不赞成他们需要在新的温布利球场举行可获利的比赛的观点。
Managers may also have learned a lesson from the investment splurge of the 1990s. 经理人们还有可能是在上世纪90年代投资烧钱热中学到了教训。
Managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 管理者经常必须对未来的情况做出最佳的猜测,尽管不存侥幸。
Managers prefer to have a hand in different things because it gives them more operational flexibility. 经理们更愿意涉足不同领域,因为这在经营上赋予他们更大的灵活性。
Managers should also be excellent psychologists. 经理还应该很好的心理学家.
Managers should offer their colleagues, suppliers, stakeholders and most important of all customers the opportunity and reward to suggest “newness” to the company's products, services, systems, procedures, business processes, and money-making ways. 经理人应该为同事、供应商、股东,最主要的是客户们提供机会,并鼓励他们对公司方方面面诸如产品、服务、体系、程序、业务流程和盈利模式等提出创新建议。
Managers use flexible budgets to analyze cost-volume-profit re-lationships over tthe entire range of likely activity, to help plan for contingencies,, to help answer questions raised by deviations from plans. 管理者运用弹性预算分析有可能业务范围内的本量利关系,帮助计划一些偶然事件及回答与计划产生差异的原因。
Managers use the margin of safety to evaluate current opera-tions or to measure the risk of a new business plan. 管理者经常运用安全边际来评价当前营业状况或测量一项新业务计划的风险程度。
Managers who want to learn how to build-up a customer service team. 需要学习如何成功建立客户服务团队的管理人员。
Managers who want to master the method and tactic of resolving conflict. 需要掌握正确处理冲突方法和策略的职业经理人。

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