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Dorothy always acts like a wet blanket at our parties.

Dormancy: The state of hibernation a Pandoran suffers when it does not have enough Pyros or a Promethean's Azothic radiance to sustain its activity. 休眠:尸祸由于圣火不足,或无法从活尸身上得到足够水银辐射来维持活力而陷入的休眠状态。
Dormin (abscisn II) A former name for ABSCISIC CAID. 休眠素(脱落素II):脱落酸的旧名。
Dormitory has been equipped with air conditioner, wireless internet and water heater. 宿舍宽敞明亮,所有房间一律配备空调、无线上网、热水器等设施。
Dormitory, Transportation, Uniform, Hotel, and Catering, landscaping cleaning and related HR affairs. 宿舍、运输、制服、酒店和饭堂、绿化、清洁等相关人事行政事务。
Dorol EPG series for circulatory and bath lubrication of heavily loaded gear units. 多乐EPG系列极压工业齿轮油专为重荷工业齿轮组润滑调制生产的。
Dorothy always acts like a wet blanket at our parties. 多萝西在我们的聚会上总是令人扫兴。
Dorothy and Jerry Few are tired of getting calls from people who believe they're phoning in a vote for their favorite American Idolcontestant. 桃乐茜和杰瑞·菲尤夫妇不停地接到人们为心目中偶像投票而打错的电话,他们为此烦透了。
Dorothy began to cry, for she felt lonely among all these strange people. 桃乐蒂开始哭泣,因为她觉得在这些奇怪的人当中很孤单。
Dorothy gave a little cry. ‘This isn't Kansas, Toto! And who are these people? 多萝西轻声地惊叫:“托托,这不是堪萨斯!这些人是谁啊?”
Dorothy lived in a small house in Kansas, with Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and a little black dog called Toto. 多萝西和她的舅舅亨利,舅妈埃姆以及小黑狗托托住在堪萨斯州的一栋小房子里。
Dorothy picked up Toto and ran to the cellar door. But before she got there, the cyclone hit the house. 多萝西抱起托托,跑向地下室的门口。可没跑到门前,龙卷风就刮来了。

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