When we go through some of life's hard trials, it's easy to center upon ourselves.
当我们面对生活上极大的折磨时,往往会把焦点放在自己身上。 |
When we go through the merger with the new company next month, we should really keep our eyes on the ball.
下个月当我们进行和新公司合并的时候,我们都必须切实关注事态的发展。 |
When we go to a movie, for example, we see a movie but the music creates enormous affect in a scene, so what I'm trying to find out is what these secondary conditions are, those things which are not primary like image, function etc.
打个比方,我们去看电影的时候,我们看的是那个图像,但是音乐却对我的感官制造了非常巨大的效果,所以我在我的作品里面想找到的,就是这些除却图像,功能这些第一元素之外的第二元素。 |
When we go to church to worship God every Sunday, are you serious with holy?
当你遵守上帝的律法时,你受到了约束,但你是不是也受到了保护。 |
When we go to the party tonight, stay cool. You don't want the ladies to think you're a geek.
今晚我们去聚会的时候,你不会希望让女士们感觉你是个可笑的滑稽鬼吧。 |
When we got down this mountain and back to civilization, I want a hot bath!
当我们下山回到文明世界时,我想要一个热水澡! |
When we got him to go in with us it was on the understanding that we sink or swim together, but now it turns out that he was only out to sponge on us!
我们约他做攻守同盟,本想彼此提携,有福同享,有祸同当,不料他倒先来沾我们的光了。 |
When we got inside the house everyone was in an uproar.
我们踏进家门,所有人都异常激动。 |
When we got there, we were told that my parents must still be somewhere in London as my father had held an exhibition of traditional Chinese painting in the West End not very long ago.
我们到了大使馆以后,使馆的工作人员告诉我们说,我的父母一定还在伦敦,因为不久前我父亲还在西区举行了一个中国画展。 |
When we graduated 13 years later, I stood on that stage and gave the Valedictory address to that same group of students, none of whom even remembered that moment anymore.
毕业十三年后,我站在舞台上,向同一组的学生做告别发言,他们之中已没有一个人记得那一时刻了。 |
When we had done the costings on the project, it was clear it would not be economical to go ahead with it.
我们计算了成本, 清楚表明这项工程不合算. |