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Someone you live with could be frustrated and upset.

Someone with this dysfunction characteristically sees others in black-and-white terms, often first putting a person on a pedestal, then vilifying the same person after some perceived slight or betrayal. 患有这种毛病的人习惯以黑白分明的方式待人;他们常一开始把对方捧得很高,然后因一点小事或背信,又把同一个人说得一文不值。
Someone would always point to the fuel tank and ask if it was a missile. 他的标准答案是,我能既不确定或者否认核武器对这一架飞机的出现。
Someone you confront will put you in your place. 你面对的人会让你回到自己的位置。
Someone you have liked for some time will take notice of the changes you are making. 而你倾心的某个人也将发现你做的这些改变。
Someone you have put off confronting lately finally steps forward and forces the issue, if you stand your ground and hold fast to your convictions you may be able to make this person see reason and logic in what you have accomplished without him or her. 一些你不想引起冲突的人会最终咄咄逼人使你不得不面对.如果你坚持你的观点,你会能够使这个人在理智和逻辑上认识的你的自身优势.
Someone you live with could be frustrated and upset. 和你一起居住的人可能收到挫折很沮丧。
Someone you think is wonderful will probably disappoint you. 你认为很好的人有可能让你失望。
Someone you work with could try to undermine you. 和你一起工作的某人或许想要制造破坏。
Someone's always trying to get my goat. 有人总是想惹我发火。
Someone's chipped my best glass. 有人把我最好的玻璃杯打碎了。
Someone's elbow is in my back, and a space junkie keeps blocking my view as he bobs up to check the tripod on his huge telephoto camera. 有个人的手肘抵在我背后,而前头有个太空迷不时调整他那架大型远距相机的三角架,把我的视野给挡住。

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