During a measurement, the change of the wavefunction into another one is not deterministic, but rather unpredictable, i.e., random. |
中文意思: 在测量期间,波函数变为另一个是不确定的,而是不可知的,也即随机。 |
During a game last season in Seattle, Francis kicked a photographer.
在去年在西雅图的比赛里,弗朗西斯曾脚踢一名摄影记者。 |
During a game, each team consists of five main players on the playing court and five to seven substitutes.
比赛时,每个队有五名场上主力队员和五到七名替补。 |
During a game, some stones will “die”, and some will appear to be dead but spring back to life at an inopportune moment.
在一次游戏中,一些棋子将会“死掉”,而另一些将会看起来死掉但会在不合适的时候重获生机。 |
During a hot day in July last, I counted at one time in the park eighteen separate groups, consisting of mothers with their children, most of whom were under school age, taking picnic dinners which they had brought from home with them.
去年七月的一个热天里,我在公园中同时分别数了18组市民,都是母亲带着她们的孩子,孩子们看起来大部分都是正在上学的年龄,带着从家中准备的野餐来公园享用。 |
During a lull in the action, some of the Tiger's accompanying panzergrenadiers dig in under the protection of the tank's big gun, within sight of a peaceful looking windmill.
这些坦克正在利用在一个看似平静的风车前的一次短暂的休息给随行的装甲掷弹兵提供火力支援。 |
During a measurement, the change of the wavefunction into another one is not deterministic, but rather unpredictable, i.e., random.
在测量期间,波函数变为另一个是不确定的,而是不可知的,也即随机。 |
During a meeting with reporters Thursday at his camp, the Kobe Basketball Academy, Bryant revealed he met with Kupchak two weeks ago.
星期四在他的训练营--科比篮球学院,科比和记者进行了会面,透露了2周前他和库普切克的一次会面。 |
During a meeting, place the cards in front of you on the table, in the order that corresponds to where people are sitting.
会议进行时,你可以依对方座位的对应顺序,将名片放在你前方的桌子上。 |
During a meeting, report back to your boss on the compromise reached between your company and your partners.
在一个会议期间,向你的老板汇报你在公司和你的合作伙伴之间如何妥协。 |
During a migration, geese are apt to take turns in the leading position.
一次迁移飞行中往往有几只大雁轮流领飞。 |
During a migration, geese are apt to take tur in the leading position.
一次迁移飞行中往往有几只大雁轮流领飞。 |