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This paper addresses the background, foundation, features, and the problems facing the changes and trends of library reference advisony services under Network environment.

This paper absorbs ink well. 这种纸吸墨力很强。
This paper achieves the tonal template of Mandarin discourse, by judging from the emotional color and colloquial style of every word in the input discourse and using a kind of phraseological attribute grammar and the relevant combinational arithmetic. 摘要本文根据输入的汉语语篇中各个语词的感情色彩属性和语体色彩属性,通过一种语词属性文法及其合一运算,来得到整个语篇的调模。
This paper acquires managing stock informational system which is highly cohesive, loosely coupled, highly credible, easy to maintain and extend by means of unified modeling language (UML) and object-oriented RDS (VFP) over the life cycle of software. 摘要采用统一建模语言(UML)和面向对象关系型数据库(VFP)相结合,在软件生命周期内采用面向对象的方法和工具实现库存管理信息系统,在较短时间内得到了高内聚、低耦合、可靠性高、易于扩展、维护的系统。
This paper addresses causes of flow decline in terms of analysis of precipitation change, human activities such as water consumption and water &soil conservation, Research issue of Water cycle to change environment are discussed, that is emphasized as bas 在此基础上论述了黄河典型支流水循环研究的问题与重要性,提出了为水资源可持续利用服务的应用基础研究问题。
This paper addresses problems in linear quadratic optimal control of EHT transmission line. 本文论证了超高压输电线路线性二次优化控制的若干问题。
This paper addresses the background, foundation, features, and the problems facing the changes and trends of library reference advisony services under Network environment. 摘要本文论述网络环境下图书馆参考咨询服务的背景、基础、特点、面临的问题及发生的变革和发展趋势。
This paper addresses the important status of low permeability reservoirs in Chinese oil industry and the significance of fractured low permeability reservoir study; illustrates the delineation standard of low permeability reservoir and enumerates the char 本文首先阐述了低渗透油藏在我国石油工业中的重要地位以及关于裂缝性低渗透油藏研究的重要意义;说明了对低渗透油藏界限的界定标准,并列举了裂缝性低渗透油藏的特点;介绍了裂缝性低渗透储层的分类,并描述了不同类型储层的流体渗流特征;详细分析了关于低渗透油藏中裂缝的研究,以及开发低渗透油藏常用的增产措施―水力压裂技术;最后重点阐述了关于裂缝性低渗介质中渗流理论的研究进展。
This paper addresses the principle of design model selection of main generator groups for offshore platforms based on the platform power station information provided by some engineering companies together with the design experiences gained by the author. 文章根据有关平台电站资料,结合笔者从事浅海油田设计经验,介绍了海上平台电站主发电机组设计选型原则。
This paper addresses the problem in terms of oral Chinese class, in expectation of offering valuable hints to the present TCFL vocabulary teaching. 本文把词汇教学放在口语这一特定的课型中进行分析和研究,希望对对外汉语口语课中的词汇教学实践有所帮助。
This paper addresses the relevant problems existing in this aspect and offers some countermeasures and solutions. 本文针对目前高校教师职称评聘中存在的问题,提出了几点对策。
This paper addresses the requirements of function analysis and function assignment, which should be carried out in the desigh of main control room in nuclear power plant according to the design research of advanced main control room, then states its conte 根据先进压水堆研究关键课题——先进主控制室的设计研究,阐述了核电厂主控制室设计中进行功能分析与功能分配的基本要求,重点论述了功能分析与分配的内容、作用、重要性与必要性,探讨了在核电厂先进主控制室的设计中贯彻执行这些要求的措施及进行设计验证的方法。

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