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They can use microwave weapons (radio frequency weapons) to damage electronic systems in an unseen attack with all those bad consequencies.

They can tell the difference between healthy plants and plants that are diseased . 它们(摄像机)还可以识别健康植物和患病植物之间的差异。
They can then refine their work by fitting it on an online model. 然后他们可以在一个网络模特的身上尝试自己的搭配。
They can then tap in. 你的帐户和密码就会被泄露出去。
They can thus program the scripts independently of the user interface of the software. 因此,他们能单独编写软件的用户界面脚本。
They can turn a depressing day into one where I realize just how blessed and lucky I am. 这些信有时可以把令人沮丧的一天变成愉快而幸运的一天。
They can use microwave weapons (radio frequency weapons) to damage electronic systems in an unseen attack with all those bad consequencies. 他们能用微波武器(无线电频率武器),用一种看不见的攻击来损害电子系统,使所有哪些都变坏。
They can visit many places and see many things. 他们可以参观许多地方并且看到许多事物。
They can visit the station to get experience in radio production. 他们可以到电台参观,积累对广播产业的体验。
They can warn only that another is bound to come and that the conditions now seem ripe, with a fierce strain of avian flu killing people in Asia and infecting birds in a rapid westward lunge toward Europe. 在亚洲,已有人因感染了猛暴的禽流感病毒株而丧命,而禽鸟的感染也正快速向西、朝欧洲蔓延。
They can weigh up to a 1,000kg; the largest ever spotted measured a vast 18.5m and was found in 1880 off Island Bay in New Zealand. 它们可能长到1000公斤,观察到最大的有18.5米,在1880年在新西兰的离岛海湾(?)发现。
They can't afford a home help, so they have to do for themselves. 他们请不起女佣人, 所以只好自己做家务活.

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