But with the new government of Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, hoping the fragile rebound will continue at least until next summer's upper-house election, the BoJ is treading cautiously.
不过,随着安倍晋三新政府的上台,新首相希望经济的这种疲弱的反弹能够至少持续到明年夏天的参议院选举,这使得央行在处理金融事务时慎之又慎。 |
But with the opinion polls at that time showing the party within striking distance of Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government, Liberals were confident that even an imperfect leader could topple the Tories and restore them to their rightful place
不过随后这个观点在当时的民意测验中显示:自由党同斯蒂芬·哈珀的保守党少数政府有着显著的差距,自由党曾一度自信地认为即使是一个不完美的领袖也能够推倒这些托利党,同时使自由党从新回到管理加拿大的公正位置之上,这个位置到2006年为止他们已经运营了十余载。 |
But with the rate rises apparently nearing an end, analysts see property prices beginning to go up again in the near future.
随著加息周期的完结,业内人士对于地产市场能否再次上扬,各抒己见。 |
But with the renminbi not freely convertible and China's stock markets isolated from international capital flows, valuations diverge widely.
但由于人民币无法自由兑换,加之国际资金无法参与中国内地股市,因此,两地股票价格差距颇大。 |
But with the rise of Emperor Wudi (Hsiao Yen) of the Liang Dynasty, the royal family began to value the accumulation of culture, and wrote a lot of books in the Confucian classics, history, metaphysics, etc. under the influence of the then milieu that fav
齐、梁之间,随着梁武帝一支的兴起,在当时士族社会尚文风气的影响下,其家族重视学术文化的积累,在儒家经学典籍、史学、玄学等领域多有著述。 |
But with the use of fusion instead of fission, that difficulty is resolved.
但是用核聚变方法代替核裂变方法之后,这一困难将得到解决。 |
But with the weight of expectation going into Germany 2006 this summer, Neville says this is probably the worst he has felt playing for his country.
但是2006年背负着太多国人希望的他们前往德国,内维尔说这可能是他为自己的国家队最失望的一次。 |
But with their heads filled with more extraneous facts, it may well turn out that scatterbrains are in fact more creative.
但是当脑中充斥许多额外资讯时,注意力不集中的人反而比较有创造力。 |
But with this type of Red Tide in Ago Bay, we unfortunately still don't know the cause.
但对于AGOBAY的赤潮类型,我们还没有找到原因。 |
But with three veteran outfielders primed to be in the outfield on Opening Day, the 22-year-old now projects to contribute as a fourth outfielder.
不过在三个前辈都将在今年开幕战出场情况下,只有22岁的牛奶,将被定位在第四号外野手的角色。 |
But with time moving on and veterans dying off, the daring invasion is settling back into the annals of historical events whose meaning can be moulded in the light of subsequent events.
然而,随着时光流逝,老兵们相继去世,这次大胆的入侵正渐渐成为历史,这类历史事件的意义会在后续事件中逐渐形成。 |