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As President Gu just have mentioned, it is a significant arrangment that two party chairmen from Taiwan, namely Lien Chan of KMT and James Soong of the People First Party, visited the mainlain before or after May 4th and delivered speech at Peking Univers

As Penn State's Mazzara notes, without the use of calmatives, such no-win situations might “very possibly lead to more tragic results. 诚如宾州大的马札拉所说的,若不使用镇静剂,这种绝不可能圆满落幕的情势,「很有可能以更悲惨的结局收场」。
As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. 25彼得一进去、哥尼流就迎接他、俯伏在他脚前拜他。
As Pope Benedict XVI thanks journalists, the Vatican prepares for the open-air mass in St. Peter's Square that will formally install him as pontiff. 在罗马教皇致词感谢新闻界时,梵蒂冈正在为其在圣彼得广场的露天弥撒做准备,以使他正式就任罗马教皇。
As President Clinton tried to repair the damage to his family life after admitting his affair with Monica Lewinsky, Hillary said she still loved him, she stood by her husband during the sexual harassment claims made by Paula Jones, and went on television 当克休顿总统承认了他与莫尼卡•莱温斯基有染后而竭力要修补家庭生活的创伤之时,希拉里说她依然爱着他,在保拉•琼斯的性骚扰案件中,她支持着她的丈夫,并且又一次代表她丈夫挺身而出,在电视上否认莫尼卡•莱温斯基丑闻之说。
As President Gu just has mentioned, it is a significant arrangment that two party chairmen from Taiwan, namely Lien Chan of KMT and James Soong of the People First Party, visited the mainlain before or after May 4th and delivered speech at Peking Universi 刚刚顾校长特别提到,在台湾有两位政党的主席,中国国民党的连战主席和楚瑜分别在“五四”的前后来到了大陆,又分别在北大和清华来演讲,这是一项非常别具深厚意义的一种安排。
As President Gu just have mentioned, it is a significant arrangment that two party chairmen from Taiwan, namely Lien Chan of KMT and James Soong of the People First Party, visited the mainlain before or after May 4th and delivered speech at Peking Univers 刚刚顾校长特别提到,在台湾有两位政党的主席,中国国民党的连战主席和楚瑜分别在“五四”的前后来到了大陆,又分别在北大和清华来演讲,这是一项非常别具深厚意义的一种安排。
As President Hu Jintao visited the United States, the percolating issue was not whether China, too, would bend to our template. 从那建造摩天大楼的阵阵噪音里,我们清楚听到历史崭新的一个章节正在书写中。
As President, I have a duty to nominate qualified men and women to vacancies on the federal bench. 作为总统,我有义务任命合格的人填补联邦法庭的空缺。
As Principal of Canadian Secondary Wenzhou #22 School, I wish to invite all new parents and their students as well as former staff to a special Welcomeevening, scheduled for Wednesday, May 30th at 7:00 pm . 作为温州市第二十二中加拿大高中校长,我真诚的邀请所有新生家长和新生参加我们特殊的欢迎会。
As Program Director of GE Corporate – Trading &Licensing in 1990 after he completed Technical Sales Training Program, Tyler's expanded work scope covered GE's company-to-country Industrial &Commercial Cooperation Programs in South Korea, Australia, Thaila 在1990年,完成技术性销售培训后,泰勒作为通用电器进出口信用证结算部的项目管理负责人,他把工作范围先后扩大到跨国间的工业和商业协作程序,并先后在韩国、澳大利亚、泰国、越南、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、西班牙、丹麦、土耳其和加拿大推广。
As Quayle looks deeper into the company which his wife had been investigating, all he has carefully built around him begins to crumble. 随着奎伊对这家一直受到其妻调查的公司的了解日渐增多,他为自己苦心经营起来的一切开始瓦解。

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