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He'll put up a fight when things get tight, and guess who'll come off worse.

He'll need to be coddled after his illness. 他病後需要悉心照料.
He'll never learn English until the necessity arises. 直到非要用英语时他才会去学。
He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him. 你对他态度强硬,他才会还清债务。
He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be. 不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。
He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be. 不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。
He'll put up a fight when things get tight, and guess who'll come off worse. 他将发动一场战争当事情变得明确的时候,猜猜谁的结局会更糟。
He'll resign before he agrees to it. 他宁可辞职也不会对此表示同意。
He'll respect you more if you stand up to him. 如果你在他面前更勇敢些,他就会更尊重你.
He'll resume workouts at Legends Field over the weekend. 他将在传奇球场周末继续这样的训练。
He'll rue the day he married her. 他将会因为和她结婚而抱恨终身。
He'll run for the Presidency. 他将参加总统竞选。

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