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It made so much sense that other booksellers started doing it as well: have fishing websites sell fishing books, and needlepoint websites sell books on knitting and crochet.

It made me so disappointed. 真让我失望。
It made me think very deeply. 这种情况引起我的深思。
It made me tougher and more tenacious. 这让我变得更坚强,更有毅力。
It made my day when I received a£500 tax rebate. 我收到500英镑税款折扣时乐不可支。
It made my head ache to count them. 三天前茶不多还有一百。
It made so much sense that other booksellers started doing it as well: have fishing websites sell fishing books, and needlepoint websites sell books on knitting and crochet. 这对于书籍销售商来说也是意义非凡:钓鱼网站出售钓鱼用书,针织品网站出售关于针织和编织的书籍。
It made the old lady out of patience.At last she could not hold any more, uttering. Trust me, Sir, and trust the money。 这种做法让老妇人很不耐烦,最后实在忍耐不住说:“相信我,先生,也请你相信这些钞票。
It made the round trip of 300 miles in 62 hours. 它花了62小时完成了300英里往返航行。
It made them bolder as they grow older. 它使得他们随着年龄增长而变得胆大而勇敢。
It made them higher in frequency and closer to the Creator's energy vibration level. 它令他们进入更高的频率和与创造能量的振动水平更为接近。
It made us knew clearly that the weakness took a beating, the fury and deport war is not only related to china's outlook and fortune, but also to china whether it can meet the challenge of peace and development, which is called the two themes, then shaped 这令我们更加认识到落后就要挨打,也愈来愈深刻地理解了这场激烈而持久的竞争不仅关系到中华民族的前途和命运,而且关系到中国能否经受和平与发展这两大时代主题的挑战,从而形成了强烈的忧患意识和责任感。

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