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She was executed for murder.

She was everything that is good in a parasite, nothing that is bad. 她具备幕僚的一切优点,却没有他们的任何缺点。
She was exasperated at his stupidity. 她因为他的愚笨而发怒。
She was exasperated at/by his stupidity. 她因为他愚笨而发怒.
She was exceedingly nervous on the day of the interview. 在面谈那一天,她极为紧张。
She was excited-like a child. 她心情激动--激动得像个小孩。
She was executed for murder. 她因谋杀而被处决。
She was exhausted from the effort and lay on the back of her horse when she saw a house. 精疲力竭的叶尼佳躺在马背上,这时,她看到了一间房子。
She was expained that why she sent her babe to the baby farm. 她向我解释她为什么要把小孩送进托儿所.
She was expropriated (of her land). 她的(土地的)所有权已遭剥夺.
She was fed up with their complaints. 她听够了他们的报怨。
She was feeble both aesthetically and aurally, that is to say she was of slight and delicate build, and her name was Mrs. Phi (Phinomena) Bull. 无论从审美学还是从气质角度去看,她都是个柔弱女子,也就是说她长得娇嫩而瘦弱,而她的名字却是斐.布尔(Pull公牛,身强力壮的人)。

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