Keep Your Wits About YouIn the unlikely event that you are involved in an emergency situation such as a precautionary emergency evacuation, follow the directions of the flight attendants and flight crew and exit the aircraft as quickly as possible.
保持清醒头脑在不可避免的情况下,如果你身处危险情况中,如预警紧急撤退,请听从乘务员以及全体空务员的指令尽可能快速撤离飞机。 |
Keep a civil tongue in your head! ie Don't speak rudely!
说话要文明有礼! |
Keep a civil tongue in your head! ie Don't speak rudely!
时刻使用文明用语,也就是说,说话不要无理。 |
Keep a close contact with vendor, inform them quality issue, send CAR, analyze the root cause of failure parts with vendor.
与供应商紧密联系,督促其整改质量问题,收发纠正措施报告,与其共同分析零件实效的根本原因。 |
Keep a copy of the memo in your files.
您自己的档案也必须留一份影本。 |
Keep a diary in English.
用英语记日记。 |
Keep a food and fitness journal for a month.
每天记录你的饮食和健身情况,坚持一个月。 |
Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department.
保持冷静,打电话给消防署。 |
Keep a list of your priorities in view. Measure your to-dos and planned actions against them.
为考虑之中的事情按主次列一个表,衡量它们的重要性并且有计划地对待。 |
Keep a lookout for pickpockets.
谨防扒手。 |
Keep a notebook beside the bed. Record your dreams as soon as possible after waking.
在枕边放一本笔记本。醒后尽快记下你的梦。 |