Owing to penetration, absorption, and internal lubrication, the homogenizing-dispersing agent filled in rubber compound reduced the difference of viscosity, polarity, surface tension in dissimilar rubbers, and accelerated interfusion, dispersing, homogene
由于均匀-分散剂的渗透、吸附及内润滑作用,减小了不同橡胶间粘度、极性和表面张力的差别,达到了快速融合、分散、掺混均匀的效果。 |
Owing to reasons known to all, contacts between our two peoples were sus-pended for over twenty years.
由于众所周知的原因,我们两国人民间的接触中断了20多年。 |
Owing to recent years, our country's economy is developing with high speed, the foreign trade balance is being grown large, the foreign currency reserve is being run-up, people have realized more and more, it is necessary to practice more flexible operati
由于近几年来我国经济持续高速发展,外贸顺差不断扩大,外汇储备急剧增加,人们越来越认识到,有必要实行更加灵活的调控机制。 |
Owing to resonance stabilization of the conjugate base, an α-hydrogen in an aldehyde is more acidic than a hydrogen atom in an alkane, with a typical pKa of 17.
醛基是带有极性的,氧原子是碳氧键中的负偶极,将碳原子的电子扯向氧原子。 |
Owing to sabotage , a train jumped the rails.
由于受到破坏,一列火车出轨了。 |
Owing to sabotage, a train jumped the rails.
由于受到破坏,一列火车出轨了。 |
Owing to slow recessing and long travel distance of the UHF radio waves, this system can transmit the images in tunnel and implement active talk.
此系统利用无线高频电波在隧道中衰减慢、传输距离远的特性,实现了洞内图像的传输和洞内、外语音交互。 |
Owing to some limits of this technology, more attention was paid to using catalysis and combining ultrasound with other water treatment technologies.
由于该技术自身存在著一些局限性,一些学者开始转向该技术与其他水处理技术相结合和使用催化剂这两个方向的研究。 |
Owing to the advancement of dosign and constrution of accelerator as well as new technology in cancer patient management, hospital based proton therapy machine is the future trend of development which will be better and convenient to the clinical needs th
新的加速器建造和治疗科技的进步,近年来已自研究用加速器兼做癌病治疗转型为建造医院专用性的质子加速器治疗机,符合人体工学和医、护、技人员的要求,不但使每天治疗病人的效率大增,同时精准度高。 |
Owing to the anisotropic and the biharmonic nature of microwave radar backscatter on spaceborne scatterometer, and to the scatter model function nolinear and the existence of various noise sources in the measurements in addition to the model function, the
由于卫星散射计探视雷达回波的各向异性的双调和性质,同时由于散射物理模型函数的非线性及信号中存在噪声,使得常规点方式风场反演中风向有多至4个解的多解存在。 |
Owing to the blizzards,our trip to Inner Mongolia was cancelled.
由于有大风雪,我们 取消了去内蒙古的行 程. |