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Harry wakes up to find that a dementor has taken Crouch Jr.'s soul and that Dumbledore and Fudge were now arguing.

Harry spent most of his formative years there padlocked in the cupboard under the stairs, or behind bars in the smallest first-floor bedroom, living on hope and smuggled birthday cake. 哈利在这所房子楼梯下面的壁橱里度过了成长的时光,在1楼的那个小房间里,他还吃到了偷带进来的生日蛋糕。
Harry starts to lose his temper when he speaks up and debates with Aunt Marge about how the Potter's died. 当哈利开始与玛姬争论波特夫妇的死因时,他控制不住自己的情绪了。
Harry suggested, trying not to imagine how badly wounded a man would have to be to leave those stains spattered halfway up the walls. 哈利猜测道,他尽量不去想象一个人受了多么严重的伤,才会在墙上那么高的地方溅上那些血迹。
Harry thinks someone wants to bump him off. 哈里以为有人想要杀害他。
Harry turned to look at her and his stomach gave a weird lurch as though he had missed a step going downstairs. 哈利转身望着她,他的胃奇怪地翻动着,仿佛踩空了楼梯。
Harry wakes up to find that a dementor has taken Crouch Jr.'s soul and that Dumbledore and Fudge were now arguing. 哈利醒来发现一个摄魂怪到来,吸走了小巴蒂·克劳奇的灵魂,而现在邓不利多和福吉正在争论不休。
Harry was hurt by an allusion to his failure. 有人暗讽哈利的失败,使他受到伤害。
Harry was running well until he tripped up and fell, losing the race. 哈里本来一直跑得很好,可后来绊了一跤,输了比赛。
Harry was soon out of earshot of Uncle Vernon's droning as he pulled his trunk upstairs to the room that was his prison cell each summer. 如果不是这样,我就……”,很快弗农姨父的鼾声就听不见了,哈利把他的皮箱拽上楼,他的每个夏天都在这个狭小的“监狱间”度过。
Harry was the fastest ru er, and was the pacesetter for the entire marathon. 哈里是跑得最快的选手,而且也是整个马拉松比赛的领跑者。
Harry was the fastest runner, and was the pacesetter for the entire marathon. 哈里是跑得最快的选手,而且也是整个马拉松比赛的领跑者。

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