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I wish I had finished this work,’ she said with a sigh.

I wish I didn't have to say this, but the board of directors has agreed to cut down on the present staff. 真希望我不必跟你说这些,但是董事会已经同意裁员。
I wish I had a bigger house. 我想要间更大的房子。
I wish I had connections with the president. (真希望我也能和董事长拉上关系。)
I wish I had expressed my mean clearly. 我希望我清楚的表达了我的意思。
I wish I had extra days to explore the area. 多希望我有额外的天数可以在此地多加探索.
I wish I had finished this work,’ she said with a sigh. 我希望我完成了这项工作,”她叹口气说。
I wish I had followed your advice. (我真希望我采纳了你的建议。)
I wish I had gone to the cinema last night. 我多么希望我昨晚去看电影。
I wish I had gone with you to the concert. 我要是和你一起去音乐会就好了。
I wish I had more holidays. 我希望有更多的假期。
I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!

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