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This is a collection of virtually everything -- and most of it is in mint condition as it has never been taken out of its boxes, making it particularly highly prized,said Daniel Agnew, toy expert at auction house Christie's.

This is Tiro, master of ceremonies for today's wedding,the robot -- featuring a cone-shaped body, two arms and a dark-glassed face with eyes and a mouth of flashing lights -- said in front of smiling guests. 泰罗的身体呈锥形,有两只胳膊、一张褐色的“玻璃脸”、眼睛和嘴巴闪着亮光,它在笑脸盈盈的各位来宾前自我介绍说:“我是泰罗,我是今天婚礼的司仪。”
This is a bad time with an international break now, but afterwards we must keep winning our home games and start to do the same away. “现在欧战的硝烟使我们确实处于比较糟糕的时期,我们能做的是首先保证主场的胜利然后再着手客场。”
This is a ballad about when you leave a person that you love and all the little things you miss about them. [这是一首当你离开一个你爱的人,以及关于他点点滴滴的民谣。
This is a big endeavor for [Iverson],said Gary Moore, Iverson's manager. 这是一个很大的奋斗[艾弗森]加里穆尔艾弗森的经理.
This is a business at the end of the day,Marbury said. He wants to win, he knows what it tastes like and he's still hungry for that taste. 他说:“科比被交易是迟早的事儿,他一直渴望胜利,他喜欢胜利的感觉,更可怕的是他一直对胜利如饥似渴!”
This is a collection of virtually everything -- and most of it is in mint condition as it has never been taken out of its boxes, making it particularly highly prized,said Daniel Agnew, toy expert at auction house Christie's. 负责此次拍卖的克里斯蒂拍卖行玩具专家丹尼尔·安格纽表示:“这些藏品几乎揽括了每一款芭比娃娃,且大部分连包装都没拆开过,保存状况十分完好,这使它们的售价可以非常高。”
This is a commercial dispute. “这完全是个商业争端。
This is a match based on pure love,the paper said. 报道中说:“这是两个真心相爱的人的结合。”
This is a movie so singular, so intense, so overwhelming that it simply has to be experienced. 这是如此单一、如此热烈,如此让人无法抗拒的一部电影,以致我们简直不得不去体验它。
This is a novel finding,she said. Only gender has an effect on rate of ageing, not sexual orientation. 「这是一项新奇的发现,」她说。「只有性别会影响老化速率,性倾向并不会。」
This is a painful task,said he. “这是一份不愉快的差事,”他说。

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