No candidate is sure enough so far to secure 270 electoral votes, an electoral college majority needed to win the presidency.
迄今为止,没有哪个总统候选人有把握可以获得270张选举团选票--即选举团中的大多数选票--来赢得大选的胜利。 |
No candidate may nominate himself or herself. Past recipients cannot be re-nominated.
候选人不能提名其本人。过去的获奖者不能够再被提名。 |
No candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or sugar for 2 weeks, either.
不能吃糖,蛋糕,饼干,冰欺凌,或者糖。 |
No care three seven two ten one.
不管三七二十一。 |
No cash flow inside, just sign the bill.
里面不使用现金,签账即可。 |
No cash refund will be entertained.
本公司将不会受理任何退款要求。 |
No catheter is required with the RFID system, so doctors are hopeful that the system makes it easier to follow normal eating, drinking and activity patterns that may play a part in the acid reflux.
RFID系统中无需导管,因此医生希望此系统更有助于更好地正常进食,饮水以及其他与胃酸返流相关的活动行为。 |
No caviar for me, thanks. Never did like it much.
不要,谢谢.我从不爱吃鱼子酱. |
No cell is free of karma.
没有免于因缘(因果报应)的细胞。 |
No century was more trumpeted, advertised, analysed and anticipated than the twenty-first.
没有任何一个世纪有如二十一世纪这样被赞美、包装、解析、和期待。 |
No certain conclusion or contradiction will be reached when we try to judge whether a self-reference proposition with unclear content is true or false.
摘要应把“自指代命题”从“自指命题”中区分出来,前者违反同一律,作代换还可能违反矛盾律,因此禁止使用自指代命题。 |