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We said our goodbyes and Dan departed.

We rushed to the bus station but failed to catch the Grey-hound. 我们赶到汽车站,但未能赶上灰狗大巴.
We said and hoped that the new drama is finished without any accident and to be a good drama. 我能透过他背感觉到他的魅力和温和的心情,当你看着他的背,你就能和我感受的一样。
We said good-bye to Li Ming at five. 五点钟时,我们和李明说过了再见。
We said it's like playing Ping-Pong. 提到做朋友很像是打乒乓球。
We said last week that students should find out if a school that interests them is accredited. 我们上周提到学生应该了解他们感兴趣的学校是否被授权。
We said our goodbyes and Dan departed. 我们道别,丹离开了。
We said our goodbyes and left. 我们说再见然后离开。
We said that a wrestler in the games gathers up his whole strength and counts upon every member of his body doing its very utmost. 一个角力选手在竞赛时,要绷紧身上所有细胞,使出吃奶的力量,与对手斗力。
We said to enter this trade as a short below the neckline, the 8/06 lows, the stop will begin above the 10/06 highs. 我们建议投资者在8月6日的低点附近入市,其股价的涨停点将是10月6日的高点。
We sail downstream through a hilly region. 11我们顺流而下,穿过山区。
We sail on the lake in summer. 夏天我们在湖上泛舟.

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