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The importance and necessity of controlling vehicle interior noise are expounded through analysis the history and trend of studying vehicle interior noise, and its present application in the process of automotive products development.

The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1986. 在1986年,棉织品的进口猛增。
The import of eugenics and its correlated evolutionary ethics had given birth to the marriage ethic of elitism. 优生学及其相关进化伦理学的引入,促进了一种精英主义婚姻伦理观念的产生。
The import of oil from abroad was cut off when the war broke out. 战争一爆发从国外进口石油就被切断了。
The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision-making program (ADMP). 摘要针对城市路网规划建设项目排序工作的重要性和复杂性,有必要开发相应的辅助决策程序。
The importance and future use of chemometrics in analyzing pesticide residues in food is discussed. 指出了化学计量学在食品农药残留分析中的重要性及应用前景。
The importance and necessity of controlling vehicle interior noise are expounded through analysis the history and trend of studying vehicle interior noise, and its present application in the process of automotive products development. 随着现代汽车技术的不断发展,车内噪声特性已成为汽车乘坐舒适性的重要评价指标之一。
The importance and relevance can be seen in the study of geometry itself. 在几何学本身的研究中,重要性和恰当性是可见的。
The importance of China to Canada's effort to promote global peace is also self-evident. 在加拿大促进全球和平问题上,中国同样具有重要意义。
The importance of MR imaging in the differential diagnoses is emphasized. 本文回顾文献并讨论此症之影像学表现及强调磁振影像在鑑别诊断之重要性。
The importance of Sugar beet in improving alkaline saline soil, sugarbeet's resistibility to salt, collection and breeding of the salt resistant resources and the identifying methods were introduced. 摘要介绍了甜菜在开发盐碱地中的地位,甜菜耐盐性,抗盐资源的搜集和创新以及抗盐性的鉴定方法。
The importance of a Challenge and Response environment is emphasised, defined as a supportive environment, in which everybody feels free to question assumptions and actions, and in which positive responses are the norm. 强调挑战和应对的重要性,定义为“支持环境”,在这种环境中每个人都可以自由的假定问题和行动,从而采取积极的应对措施。

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