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I don't believe so, Senor,I said with some uneasiness.

I don know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a machine dreaming that I am Turing! “我不知道是图灵梦见自己变成机器还是机器梦见自己变成图灵。”
I dont want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. 我不想通过我的作品达到不朽,我想通过不死来达到。
I don&apost know whether I am Turing dreaming that I am a machine, or a machine dreaming that I am Turing! “我不知道是图灵梦见自己变成机器还是机器梦见自己变成图灵。”
I don't *get* bullies, I get rid of them,Poke answered. “我不需要保护人,我对他们避之不及,”普克答道。
I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. 我不老,我重生。但是人类衰亡,你会衰老死亡。
I don't believe so, Senor,I said with some uneasiness. “没有啊,先生。”我有点不安地说道。
I don't believe that God exists. 最后他们谈到神,理发师说:「我不相信神存在。」
I don't believe you,Hilda said calmly. You'll have to prove it . “我不相信你的话,”希尔达冷静地说,“你必须证明这一点。
I don't care about me! Look at this new dictionary. It looks like an old one. We'll have to sell it for less money now. 我不在意(要紧)!你看看这本新字典。它看起来好像是旧的。现在我们必须以较少的钱卖出它。
I don't care who I snog, girls or boys. It's not a sexual thing at all, it's almost of a header. 我不在乎和我接吻的是男是女。这与性无关,不过是个标题而已。
I don't detect any difference whatsoever from regular milk,he said. 他说:“我没有发现这种牛奶与普通牛奶有任何不同。”

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