The real question is getting to know the needs of the people.
真正的问题是了解人民的需要。 |
The real question is getting to know the needs of the students.
真正的问题是了解学生的需要。 |
The real question is to understand the demand of clients.
真正的问题是了解客户的需求。 |
The real question is whether Hawking radiation returns the answer of the computation or merely gibberish.
真正的问题在于霍金辐射是否提出了运算的答案,或只是一番胡言乱语。 |
The real question is who can make those thoughts turn into wealth.
真正的问题是谁能让这些想法变成财富。 |
The real quiet comes from the heart.
真正的安静,来自内心。 |
The real rate of interest paid on bank deposits is negative and lending rates are far too low for such a fast-growing economy.
为银行存款支付的实际利息率是负数,而贷款利率对于这样快速增长的经济来说太低了。 |
The real reason programmers will not starve is that it will still be possible for them to get paid for programming; just not paid as much as now.
程序员不会挨饿的真正原因在于他们仍可以依靠编程赚钱;只不过没有现在这么多。 |
The real rich men are not used to the lavish life.
真正的富人是不习惯奢侈的生活的! |
The real risk now is that the opposition's slogan that democracy is meaningless without secularism could become an excuse for military intervention.
现在真正的威胁是,反对派的“如果不政教分离,民主就无意义”这一口号,可能成为军队干预的借口。 |
The real sight from above is the gigantic movement of the falls themselves, digging the gorge.
从上往下看到的现实景像是瀑布自身的强烈运动在凿峡谷。这是个很有意思的景观。 |