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The findings are listed as below: Ⅰ.The physical education curriculum in 86.36% of the schools is arranged according to the currently available space.

The findings appear online today (Nov. 21) in the journal Human Gene Therapy. 这些研究成果发表在今天(11月21日)《人类基因治疗》杂志的在线版上。
The findings are as follows: 1. 并以359名大学生为施测对象。
The findings are designed to help multinational employers determine compensation for their expatriate workers. 该调查的结果旨在帮助那些跨国公司的老板们为他们的驻外员工确定补贴金额。
The findings are fascinating, says Ian Davies, a psychologist at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK. Davies says his own experiments on human subjects have recently yielded similar results. 萨里大学(位于英国吉尔福德)心理学家伊恩·戴维斯表示:研究结果令人着迷。他说:他自己对人类研究对象所做的实验最近得到了类似的结果。
The findings are in the May issue of the Archives of Dermatology. 研究结果见刊于五月份的《皮肤学文献集》杂志上。
The findings are listed as below: Ⅰ.The physical education curriculum in 86.36% of the schools is arranged according to the currently available space. 本研究结果发现:一、有86.36%的学校是依现有场地规模数量编排体育课程,扩充现有运动场地设备成为各学校当务之急。
The findings are published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. 该研究发表于《美国流行病学杂志》。
The findings are published in the first issue for December of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 这一发现发表在美国呼吸急症医学杂志的12月第一期上。
The findings are so striking, the US National Institutes of Health decided it would be unethical to continue and stopped the trials early. 研究结果非常震撼,美国国家健康机构决定如果继续这样做实验是非常不道德的,所以想尽早结束试验。
The findings are: the multiple intelligences approach picture book curriculum is coherence and integrative; and appropriate for young children's age and needs. 研究结果发现:多元智能取向图画书课程具有连贯性及统整性,符合幼儿的年龄和需求。
The findings by the researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis are published online Tuesday in the journal Public Library of Science Biology. 华盛顿大学圣路易医学院的研究者们周二把研究结果发表在生物学公共图书馆的网站上。

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