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Mary's life was full of woe.

Mary's grunting continuously annoyed her husband, and her mother's staying with them was the last straw. 玛丽的不断唠叨已经使她丈夫很烦,她母亲来和他们一块住更使他们的关系雪上加霜。
Mary's hair style was in keeping with the latest fashion. 玛丽的发型正是最近流行的那种。
Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class. 玛丽振奋的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子。
Mary's imagination is fertile. 玛丽的想象力很丰富.
Mary's leading card was her charm. She played it time and again to good effect. 玛丽的法宝是她的魅力,她一再玩弄这张王牌,玩得颇有成效。
Mary's life was full of woe. 玛丽的生活充满著悲哀。
Mary's mom dished out two or three scoops of ice cream for each child at the birthday party. 玛丽的母亲在生日宴会上为每个小孩各舀了二、三杓的冰淇淋。
Mary's mother gave her a tongue-lashing for coming home late. 玛丽的妈妈因玛丽回家晚了而训斥了她一顿。
Mary's mother punished her by stopping her from dating for two weeks, but then she got back into circulation. 玛丽的母亲罚她,两周不许外出约会,但后来她又依然如故了。
Mary's mother squirmed with anxiety when she was waiting outside the operating room. 玛丽的母亲在手术室外等候时坐立不安。
Mary's neat and Jane's untidy, so if they have to share a room there'll probably be friction. 玛丽整洁而珍邋遢,她们如果不得不同住一室,那麽可能会有摩擦。

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