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He was afflicted with cancer.

He was admonished against doing wrong. 人们告诫他不要做坏事。
He was admonished for his carelessness . 他因粗心受到警告。
He was admonished for his carelessness. 他因粗心受到警告。
He was adopted as a child, so he had no opportunity of learning his own pedigree. 他从小被人收养,没有机会了解自己的身世。
He was advanced to the factory director. 他被提升为厂长.
He was afflicted with cancer. 他患了癌症。
He was aflame about the new project. 他对这新计划极感兴趣。
He was afraid he might fail. 他怕他会失败。
He was afraid that Thornton would pass out of his life as Perrault and Francois and the Scotch half-breed had passed out. 他害怕桑德跟波瑞特、福楼沙以及苏格兰裔混血儿一样从他的生活中消失。
He was afraid that the hattie would go against them. 他害怕那场战斗会对他们不利。
He was afraid the bank would take the house he'd put up as security. 他实在很害怕银行会把他提供做为担保的房子拿走。

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