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It can pull you back in a second, no matter how far away you are.

It can protect movements of motors, electrical appliances, it may balance weight in cutting, and make it more stable. 对电机、电器动作均有保护,并在切割时有配重,使之更加平稳。
It can provide a way for developers to work together without getting in each others' way. 在没有其他的方式的时候,为开发人员提供一种协同工作的方式。
It can provide free customers' activity and self-help operation 24h/d. 可以提供自由的客户活动,能够提供一天24小时自助操作。
It can provide reference for earthquake monitoring in this area. 在实际应用中可为该区的震情判定提供依据。
It can provide scientific basis for managing and controlling the geologic hazard in Shaanxi and reduce economic loss. 该系统可为陕西省地质灾害的管理和防治提供科学依据,减少经济损失。
It can pull you back in a second, no matter how far away you are. 它能在一秒钟内将你拉回,不管你离得多远。
It can put up a scientific report of operation with variable load in economic safety. 为机组改带调峰负荷之后的安全经济运行提供合理的科学依据。
It can rapidly and exactly search for tiny defect,needle hole,crackl,gas crack on the anticorrosion coating of the metal and correctly note down the number of damaged point on the coating. 快速精确地搜速金属表面防腐层的极小缺陷,针孔,裂纹,气隙并准确地记录防腐层破损点的个数。
It can reduce 30 minutes from 4 hours worktime by applying underslung and drawer-lide design reducing on internal channel of the stove and preheater. 锡炉内槽及预热器均采用同步“悬臂抽屉设计”,保养工时由原长达4小时,缩短为30分钟。
It can refer to experiences pertaining to finite provinces of meaning, and it can span discrete spheres. 她可关连于有限意义领域的经验中,且跨越实在的片断领域。
It can reflect the divergence of the different national daily habits and the abstract thinking and the abstract thinking . 它能够反映不同民族生活习惯和文化思维方面的差异。

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