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Investigators will depose the witness behind closed doors.

Investigators suspect the al-Qaida-linked Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf group may have been involved. 菲律宾调查人员怀疑,恐怖组织伊斯兰团和阿布沙耶夫反政府武装是肇事者。
Investigators therefore hope that drugs able to block this subclass could be administered systemically (throughout the body) without ill effects. 因此,能够阻断这一型钠离子通道的药物,就能够施予全身,而不至于有不良作用。
Investigators were looking into possible links between the fires, which took place within blocks of each other in the city's Wrigleyville neighborhood, named for its proximity to Wrigley Field, said Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford. 这句是一则关于美国火灾的新闻里的,这几起火灾大约同时在一个地区比较接近的地方大约同时发生的,请问红色部分是什么意思?
Investigators were still searching for parts of the helicopter. 调查人员仍在搜索直升机残骸。
Investigators will be on the scene of yesterday's deadly plane crash in Kentucky. 调查人员将前往昨日在肯塔基州发生的,造成重大伤亡的飞机失事的事故现场。
Investigators will depose the witness behind closed doors. 调查员们将让证人们在关闭的门后宣誓作证
Investing in industry is money well spent. 钱投资在工业上是正确的.
Investing in such equities is part of a plan championed by Alexei Kudrin, finance minister, to split Russia's “stabilisation” fund – which has amassed $108bn of windfall oil tax revenues since its creation in 2004. 俄罗斯第一次将数十忆的石油收入固定投资于国际公司股票,由此推进了俄金融市场的实力。
Investing in the project of the tertiary industry (not include the development item of the real estate ), the investment in fixed assets is above 5 million yuan, from is it open profit-making year case to build up, one year is it reward to pay income tax 投资第三产业项目(不包括房地产开发项目),固定资产投资在500万元以上的,从建成营业获利年度起,3年内按企业实交所得税地方留成的100%奖励,第4-5年按地方留成的50%奖励。
Investing in wine has become a popular way of diversifying a financial portfolio. 目前对红酒的投资已成为使金融投资组合多样化的一种流行趋势。
Investing is essentially a risk-return trade off. 投资主要是一种风险回报权衡。

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