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B: Yes, you can. Bur for CIF price I should ask you what risks you want us to cover.

B: Yes, we're together forever. 是的,我们会永远在一起。
B: Yes, we've noticed this too. 我们也注意到了。
B: Yes, what can I do for you? 是的,能帮你什么吗?
B: Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo? 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证?
B: Yes, when your friend gets it, he'll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it's been received. 是的,当您的朋友收到信后,他将签一张收据,这张收据会寄给您,您就可以确定他收到了。
B: Yes, you can. Bur for CIF price I should ask you what risks you want us to cover. 可以的。但是如果改成CIF价格的话,我必须先了解一下你想要我们代保什么险种。
B: Yes, you need a pa word. Just key in your room number. That's your individual pa word. 是的,你需要密码。只需键入你的房间号码。那就是你的个人密码。
B: Yes, you need to relax yourself. 是呀,你需要放松自己。
B: Yes, you should. I'm sure it will be cheaper here than the other shop. 是的,你应该买。我肯定这里比其他商店的都便宜。
B: Yes, young ladies in particular. 不错,尤其是年轻女郎。
B: Yes,there had been the azalea,the orchid,the Chinese rose and the camellia. 是的,曾经有过杜鹃花、兰花、月季和茶花。

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