The long-awaited measures are set to be the centrepiece of the coalition's fourth-term reform agenda and have been made possible by its victory in last year's federal election.
这些期待已久的措施,将成为澳大利亚执政联盟第四个任期内改革议程的中心议题,并且由于该联盟在去年联邦大选中获胜,这些措施的实施已成为可能。 |
The long-awaited policy document is the latest effort by the government to restrain mounting overcapacity in the Chinese steel industry, which has led to sharp falls in the price of some steel products in recent months.
这项预计将会长久坚持的政策是中国政府最新的措施,以期限制中国钢铁工业超负荷的高速生产,因为这已令中国钢制品的价格在最近几个月内迅速下跌. |
The long-distance bus station should be mobbed at this time of year because of the coming May Day celebration, which customarily lasts all week.
按惯例每年的这个时候,由于五一劳动节的来临,长途汽车站应该是人山人海,这一情况通常会持续一周时间。 |
The long-drawn out deliberations on which models of cars will be chosen for the standard Beijing taxicab seem to have made some progress, with the city publicizing a dozen colourful designs on August 28.
8月28日,随着北京公布了12款各式喷涂方案,关于何种车型会成为北京标准出租车的持久争论似乎终于有了一些进展。 |
The long-eared owl is found only in North America; the short-eared owl is biquitous.
长耳猫头鹰只有北美有,而短耳猫头鹰却无处不在。 |
The long-eared owl is found only in North Americal; the short-eared owl is ubiquitous.
长耳猫头鹰只有北美有,而短耳猫头鹰却无处不在。 |
The long-leaved grass, which thrives in shallow wetlands, produces edible seeds that have sustained humans for generations.
这种有着长叶子的草,在沼泽地里茁壮地成长,结出可以食用的种子,这些种子使人类一代又一代地得以延续。 |
The long-nosed baiji had been critically endangered for years, due to pollution, overfishing and shipping along the Yangtze river.
由于长江的污染、过度捕捞和航运的影响,长鼻子的白暨豚多年来一直属于濒危物种。 |
The long-nosed guy is actually a spy.
那个长鼻子的家伙实际上是个间谍。 |
The long-range forecast calls for more rain Thursday and Friday, possibly ending by the weekend.
长期预报预测星期四和星期五会下雨,可能要到周末才会停止降雨。 |
The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
长期目标必须是销毁全部核武器. |