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Isolating mechanism Structural, physiological, behavioral, genetic, geographical, or other factors that restrict the interbreeding of one population with another, hence restricting gene flow.

Isolated cases of acute myo-cardial infarction, and its complications, such as cerebral embolization, ventricular aneurysm, and ventricular septal rupture, have been reported. 曾有报告指出个别个案出现急性心肌梗塞及其并发症,例如脑梗塞、心危管瘤及心室中隔厂破裂。
Isolated from everyone but those within the group, recruits become dependent upon group members and leaders and find it difficult if not impossible to offer resistance to group teachings. 由于与其他人隔离,加入者变得依赖团体成员和领导者,而越来越难抗拒团体教义。
Isolated injury to the renal pelvis following blunt abdominal trauma is very rare. 摘要腹部钝器性外伤后造成单独肾盂破损是罕见的状况。
Isolated sclereids can be called idioblasts. 单独的石细胞也可以叫做异细胞。
Isolated signs similar to those inscribed on the block also appear on even older figurines found elsewhere in Mexico. 与题写在此石板上相似的一些单独的符号,同样也出现在墨西哥别处发现的一样古老的小雕像上。
Isolating mechanism Structural, physiological, behavioral, genetic, geographical, or other factors that restrict the interbreeding of one population with another, hence restricting gene flow. 隔离机制:由于结构、生理、行为、遗传、地理或其它因素限制了一个种群与另一种群杂交的机制,从而限制了基因的流动。
Isolation and purification of dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpene in Celastrus angulatus was preformed with normal-phase and reserve-phase high performance liquid chromatography and detected with TLC and HPLC. 摘要为了优化苦皮藤中二氢沉香呋喃倍半萜类化合物分离纯化的方法,应用正相及反相高压制备柱层析相结合的方法进行分离纯化,以TLC及HPLC确定制备流动相条件并跟踪检测其分离效果。
Isolation means, in future, death and ruin of the country. 闭关锁国意味着一个国家将会死亡和毁灭。
Isolation of hospitalized patients with HIV infection is unnecessary, except when their complicating infections (e.g., suspected or proven TB) are communicable. 没必要隔离感染HIV的住院病人,除非他们得有传染性并发感染(如怀疑或证实有结核)。
Isolation-play is not interesting basketball. “隔离”的打法不是有趣的篮球。
Isolationism, with its heyday in the 1930s, is a stalwart political force in American history that waged remarkable influence on US diplomatic policies. 摘要孤立主义是美国历史上一股非常顽强的政治势力,对美国外交政策影响甚大。

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