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Every moment she expected to hear the pounding of his horse's hooves and see him come charging up the hill at his usual breakneck speed.

Every minute, in our minds, from death to Rising, you are the Lord, the Messiah. 分分秒秒,你在我们的心中,从死亡到复活,你是耶和华弥赛亚。
Every misfortune is to be subdued by patience. 一切不幸都可能有忍耐克服。
Every moment idle is another moment I brood in this dispicable form. Let's get moving! 艾德温娜:每多耽搁一刻,我就得在这可憎的形体里多烦恼一刻。我们快走吧!
Every moment is an opportunity to create a little bit of value. 每一个时刻都是一个机会,来让我们创造出一小点价值。
Every moment of my life I feel that I am small .Though I am proud of myself ,I know I have known nothing more than anyone else. 今晚,吵闹着,感觉到寂寞,听朋友说她的感情她的筋疲力尽她的心事,仿佛是我看着曾经的我,可笑得有一些无奈。
Every moment she expected to hear the pounding of his horse's hooves and see him come charging up the hill at his usual breakneck speed. 她时刻盼望能听见他到马蹄的得得声,看见他以惯常的玩命速度冲过小山。
Every month John salts away half of his salary. 约翰每个月都要把他工资的一半存储起来。
Every month have plan, every year have plan, and the goal with clear data. Keep in mind your plan your goal in your work. 每个月有计划,每年有规划,所有目标都数量化。把数字简化,铭刻在心,时刻对照检查。
Every month sees thousands of protests across China by poor farmers outraged at the expropriation of their land for piffling or no compensation. 每个月都可见到中国各地因为征地未获补偿或者补偿微乎其微而愤怒不已的贫穷农民举行的数以千计的抗议。
Every month we supply you with another interesting way of keeping warm. Be inspired and have a look through this years selection. 我们每月会更新有趣资讯令你生活更开心。请时常浏览此网页。
Every month, a management committee looks at all the new ideas and they put development money into some of them. 管理层委员会每个月都对所有的新想法进行筛选,对其中的一些想法注入研发资金。

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