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Research on Communication Inverter Power Supply Based on DC/DC Converter with Tapped Inductor

Research on Artificial Cornea of n-HA/hydrogel Composite 纳米羟基磷灰石/水凝胶人工角膜研究
Research on Automatical Cheque Processing 自动票据识别系统
Research on Biomechanical Assessment and CAE Technology for Lower-limb Prosthetic Socket 下肢假肢接受腔生物力学评价及CAE技术研究
Research on Biped Walking and Dynamic Walking Modes Shifting Control for a Gorilla Robot 类人猿机器人双足步行及步行方式动态转换运动控制研究
Research on City Road Traffic Congest 城市道路交通咽喉研究
Research on Communication Inverter Power Supply Based on DC/DC Converter with Tapped Inductor 基于带抽头电感的DC/DC变换器型通信逆变电源研究
Research on Controllable High-Order Smoothing Convex and Non-convex Bodies Based on KS Functions 基于KS函数的凸与非凸体可控高阶磨光新方法研究
Research on Controller of the "Through Cordage and Inspecting in the City's Main Drainage Pipelines" Robot 城市主排水管道穿缆检测机器人控制系统研究
Research on Conversion of Ethanol to Acetone Catalysed by Fe_O_ -CaO/γ-Al_O_ Fe_O_ -CaO/γ-Al_O_ 催化乙醇转化制丙酮的研究
Research on Cost Management and Methodology Integration Oriented Supply Chains 面向供需链的成本管理和方法集成研究
Research on Cryptic Period of Hydrologic Time Series Based on MEMSpectral Analysis 基于MEM谱分析的水文时间序列隐含周期特性研究

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