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Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet.

Order type: At order entry, if it can execute in total, then it executes. Otherwise it stays in the order book until it can execute in total. 下单类型:在已经下单时,如果它能完全执行,那么就被执行。否则它会寄存在买卖盘记录一直到它能够完全执行。
Order ye the buckler and shield, and draw near to battle. 3你们要预备大小盾牌,往前上阵。
Order your notes and group together points based on your original plan. 根据你之前的计划整理你的笔记,将观点放在一起。
Order your summers suit. Because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation. 预定您的夏季西装。因为是大需求我们会严格地轮流处决顾客。
Order! Order!' shouted the Speaker . 安静!安静!'议长大声说道.
Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet. 他没有点通常吃的淡而无味的食品,而要了咖哩食品
Ordered to take prisoners, but so shaken by his experience at Buchenwald, he never again commands someone to put their hands up. 上面命令他抓战俘,但是由于在布痕瓦尔德的经历给他的震动太大,他再也没有命令谁举起手来。
Ordering Information: Manufacturer's two-year warranty. Thermal cyclers include a heated lid and one personal memory card. Order additional personal memory cards separately. 厂家提供两年热循环仪保修,其中包括对加热盖和数据储存卡的维修。
Ordering for her is good. Telling her what she wants is bad. 替她点菜好,告诉她要吃什么就不好。
Orderly and clean; tidy. 整洁的整齐的,清洁的;干净的
Orderly in the upkeep of his rooms. 在保养他的房间上一丝不苟

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