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His handling of the crisis could make or mar his career.

His hand rested on the table . 他的手放在桌子上。
His hand ruffed that of his opponents. 他的手牌是以王牌胜过其对手的。
His hand was streaked with blood. 他的手上有血痕。
His hand was wrapped in a bloody handkerchief, and the right trouser leg was ripped from knee to ankle. 他的手用一条血迹斑斑的手帕绑着,右裤腿从膝盖到裤脚都被撕破了。
His hand-writing is difficult to distinguish. 他的笔迹难以辨识。
His handling of the crisis could make or mar his career. 他对这一危机的处理可能决定他事业的成败.
His handling of the negotiations was maladroit. 他的谈判技巧十分拙劣.
His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires. 14他的两手好像金管,镶嵌水苍玉。他的身体如同雕刻的象牙,周围镶嵌蓝宝石。
His hands are still a bit iffy, but overall I think I did alright. 他的手看起来还是有点怪﹐不过大致上我觉得我画的还不错。
His hands are tubes of gold, Set with beryl; His belly is an ivory work, Overlaid with sapphires. 14他的两手好像金管,镶嵌水苍玉;他的肚腹如同象牙作的,外面包着蓝宝石。
His hands only saved more lines for himself by the pressures of life. 爸爸的双手留给自己的,是工作压力与生活重担深陷的印记。

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