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From a passenger ship one can see a bearded man on a small land who is shouting and desperately waving his hand.

From a microeconomic perspective, the reason for difficulties in rural finance in areas surrounding the Bohai Sea is supply of and demand for finance in disequilibrium, and from a macroeconomic perspective, it is the lack of resource-allocating function o 摘要造成环渤海地区农村金融困境的原因,微观而言,是金融供求的不平衡;而宏观因素则是农村金融体系资源配置功能的缺位。
From a navigational point of view, they were almost useless. 从航海的观点看来,这种地图几乎是没有用处的。
From a new perspective the of the present paper rethinks the character of the heroine, holding Brett is a fine lady just like a goddess symbolizing the love rather than a bitch and that this way of interpretation is more reasonable and can help the reader 如果从一个新视角对其重新审视,就会发现勃特瑞以关爱的圣母美德昭示著人们,将其性格定位以女神更为合适,更有利于读者深层认识该小说的主题意义。
From a non-Muslim perspective, the events leading up to the need for public discussions such as the Article 11 forum in Penang, have been disconcerting and troubling. 以一个非穆斯林的角度来看,一些事件真的需要社会的讨论,例如在槟城对第十一条款的论坛,被中断以及骚扰。
From a paintbrush of professional oil painter in Shenzhen Dafen Village, on a young Tibet Lama's face, on the quietly-flowing Suzhou River surface in summer, in a northeast family within a world of ice and snow and disappearing senses of the Three Gorge D 在深圳的大芬村的一位专业的油画匠画笔上,在西藏的年轻的喇嘛的脸上,在静静流淌过夏天的苏州河的水面上,在冰天雪地的东北人家里,在正在消逝的三峡景致中,我们不是发现了现实生活比我们想象的都更富有诗意吗?
From a passenger ship one can see a bearded man on a small land who is shouting and desperately waving his hand. 从客轮上人们能看到一个长满胡子的人在一个小岛上一边大叫一边拼命挥舞双手。
From a perspective of the destruction on mine environment and its harness problem from coal exploitation, this paper aims to set up and carries out the concept of scientific development, using the ecological economy principle and recycle economic theory t 本文透视煤炭开发对矿山环境的破坏与治理问题,旨在树立和落实科学发展观,应用生态经济学原理和循环经济理念,指导煤炭综合开发利用。
From a physical point of view, It is the result of a mechanical disturbance of some object in a physical medium, such as air. 从物理角度讲,它是某一物体在物质中介(比如空气)中受到机械式干扰的结果。
From a player's point of view everything was exceptional and,having spoken to friends, I know that the same is true from thefans' perspective as well. 从一个球员的角度来说一切都是那么特别并且从朋友那里我得知与球迷的期望也十分一致。
From a point of view of self-reflection, Habermas has revealed the relation of knowledge to interest, criticized the positivist epistemology and its view of science and paved the road to the construction of basis of social critical theory. 哈贝马斯从认识对自身的反思入手,揭示了认识与兴趣的关系,批判了实证主义的认识论及其科学观,为奠定社会批判理论的认识论基础扫清了道路。
From a population believed as large as 1 million before whites arrived, Aborigines have dwindled to some 400,000 in a mostly white population of 19 million. 原有一百万的人口的原住民,在白人登陆之后渐渐变少到40万人,而白人却有1千9百万的人口。

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