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This was my favourite novel, because it figured a unconventional and unrestrained swordsman.

This was largrly because both the healthy lifestyle approach and medical approach to health largely ignored the social and environmental conditions affecting the health of people. 这很大程度上由于健康的生活方式的和医疗方式两者对于健康都大大的忽视了社会和环境条件对人的健康的影响。
This was later confirmed by naval official at the Ministry of Defiance after the Elkor had returned home. 这件事在爱尔克号回航后由海军官员证实了。
This was made clear to me during the discussions of the Harlem riots on those hot summer days in Vienna . 对我来说,这一点在维也纳那个炎热的夏天对哈莱姆暴乱的讨论中就很清楚了。
This was made plain by the first experiment designed to fix the problem. 第一个设计用于解决该难题的试验充分证明了这一点。
This was mostly for the pose practice. 这只是为了练习摆姿势的一张图。
This was my favourite novel, because it figured a unconventional and unrestrained swordsman. 这是我最喜欢的作品,因为他塑造了一个放荡不羁、自由桀骜的形象。
This was my first Burt's Bees experience. 这曾是我第一回的小蜜蜂体验。
This was my hobby that became crazily successful. 这是我的爱好,而且变得非常的成功。
This was no spontaneous tantrum. 这并非一时之怒。
This was not a typical introductory call to vet our capabilities; this was a call to engage our services. 这不是一个典型的调查我们的能力的介绍电话;这是一个预定我们的服务的电话。
This was not always the case. 但以前并非总是如此。

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