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David Beckham has had an unsightly 2ft-long tattoo etched over the entire surface of his right arm.

David Banda, dressed in designer gear, was cuddled by his superstar mum at JFK airport before the family boarded a flight to Heathrow. 戴维班达穿着一款设计师模样的衣服,舒服地躺在他妈*怀里,他们正在肯尼迪机场,准备登机前往希斯罗。
David Beckham could be set to retire in two years time, at the age of just 33, according to Real Madrid president Ramón Calderón. 根据皇马主席卡尔德隆的说法,贝克汉姆可能在2年内,也就是33岁的时候选择挂靴。
David Beckham has announced that he is standing down as England captain in the wake of the defeat in the FIFA World Cup? quarter-final against Portugal in Gelsenkirchen. 英格兰队于盖尔森基兴被葡萄牙队淘汰,无缘本届FIFA世界杯4强之后,大卫·贝克汉姆宣布他将辞去英格兰队队长之职。
David Beckham has announced that he is standing down as England captain in the wake of their defeat in the FIFA World Cup? quarter-final against Portugal in Gelsenkirchen. 在英格兰输掉和葡萄牙的世界杯1/4决赛后,大卫·贝克汉姆在盖尔申基辛宣布,他将辞去英格兰国家队队长的职务。
David Beckham has confirmed Sunday's clash with Real Mallorca will be his last game for Real Madrid. 贝壳确认星期天对马洛卡的比赛是他最后一次代表皇马上阵!
David Beckham has had an unsightly 2ft-long tattoo etched over the entire surface of his right arm. 大为贝克汉姆右胳膊整个表面刺满2英尺长的文身。
David Beckham has insisted this is not the end of an era at Real Madrid, despite their humiliating 3-0 defeat at Camp Nou on Saturday night that puts them seven points behind their bitter rivals Barcelona. 虽然上周六(11月20日)皇家马德里队在巴塞罗那队诺坎普球场3:0被“宿敌”狠狠地羞辱了一番,然而“败军之将”——皇马中场、英格兰队队长贝克汉姆却依然坚持认为,一场比赛的失利决不是皇马一个时代的结束。
David Beckham is her idol. “贝克汉姆”当仁不让。
David Beckham shocked and impressed watching team-mates by giving the Real Madrid president Ramón Calderón a fierce dressing-down during a crisis meeting at the club's Valdebebas HQ. 贝克汉姆对于自己被俱乐部主席卡尔德隆严厉斥责表示震惊,前英格兰队长对皇马在自己签约洛杉矶银河队后的业余反应非常气愤。
David Beckham was named Budweiser Man of the Match after England's 2-0 victory over Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday. 本周四,当英格兰队以2:0战胜特立尼达和多巴哥队之后,大卫·贝克汉姆荣膺百威本场最佳球员称号。
David Beckham was sweating and fidgeting uncomfortably yesterday. 昨天贝克汉姆坐立不安。

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