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The whole room is full of junk.

The whole province sometimes went for several weeks without hearing any news from the outside world. 有时候,整个省份有好几个礼拜都没有外面的消息。
The whole relationship between pastor and people depends on the united continual prayerfulness. 神的仆人与百姓间的关系完全基于同心合意恒切的祷告。
The whole report is riddled with errors. 整个报告满布错误。
The whole rescue and reconstruction work show up the effective crisis management system and expose the problems and defects in the crisis management of both countries. 在整个施救过程和灾后重建工作中,充分展示了印度和巴基斯坦积极有效的危机管理机制;同时也暴露了印、巴两国在灾难危机处置中的问题和危机管理体系中的薄弱环节。
The whole resort inn, covers over on area of 138 Mu, including over 200 standard guest rooms, several meal halls of Chinese dish and western food have over 400 seats; Conference center can entertain over 200 guests at the same time, with modern facilities 整个度假村占地138亩,建有200余套客房,餐厅分为中、西自助、零点、包间,共有400多个餐位;会议中心可同时容纳200人,并配有先进科学的音响设备;高档名人会所配备了书吧、网吧、健身房、棋牌室、游泳池、商务中心等设施,为您的入住增添了更高人一等的尊贵。
The whole room is full of junk. 整个屋子堆满了废弃物品。
The whole scene being protected by the snake. 整个场景都是在蛇的保护之下。
The whole scheme began to take on a more practical aspect. 整个计划开始具有更切合实际的性质。
The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall. 全校在大礼堂集合.
The whole school occupies 110 Chinese Mu (18 acre), while the floorage occupies 30000 square meters. 目前校区占地面积110亩,建筑面积30000平方米。
The whole science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. 全部科学只不过是对日常思维的提炼。

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