Your work for the semester is nearly complete.
你们这学期的工作已近乎完成。 |
Your work has been remarkable this week.
这星期你的工作很出色。 |
Your work is a great help to me.
你的工作对我是个极大的帮助。 |
Your work is characterized by lack of attention to details.
你的工作特点是缺乏对细节的注意。 |
Your work is characterized by lack of attention to details.
你的工作的特点是不注意细节。 |
Your work is getting better and better.
你干得越来越好了. |
Your work is improving.
你的作业大有进步。 |
Your work is not up to (the) standard.
你的工作未达到标准。 |
Your work is too much a brain-drain? Feel like getting psycho and missing your sanity? Frankieheart is in the same shoes and ready to take over your burden.
工作操烦耗费大量脑力吗?偶尔钻牛角尖?推荐你很丑却很温柔的科学怪人,科学怪人为锁住烦恼与忧愁,同时刺激脑力提醒你让你冷静思考保持清醒。 |
Your work may be quite demanding, and sensitive Pisces needs to take time out just to relax, regroup and dream, especially when summer rolls around - your favorite time of year.
你的工作要求很高,敏感的双鱼这个时候就要暂停休息一下,重新理清思路。 |
Your work on this project and our discussion in class is an opportunity to reflect on many of the issues that we have covered throughout the semester: the tonal network, rhythmic structure, melodic analysis, movement towards arrivals and departures, movin
你的专题作业和我们课中的讨论是一个反思我们整学期许多议题的机会:调性的网络,节奏的结构,旋律的分析,律动的到来和离开,在结构阶梯上的移上和移下,简单和复杂。 |