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The weeks, dreary and painful, dragged by and turned into months.

The weekly makes a feature of drug abuse. 该周刊做了药物滥用的专题报导。
The weekly newsletter will still be distributed to each classroom to make sure that every parent has a copy. 学校周刊仍将印好送到每一间教室﹐以确保每位家长手边都有一份。
The weekly quizzes count for 15% of the course grade, each exam counts for 15%, and the final exam counts for 30%. 每周的小考占本课程分数的15%,每次的测验占15%,期末考则是占30%。
The weekly steamer is the only connection between Makung and this island. 每周一次的轮船是马公和本岛间唯一的交通工具。
The weeks went by and Ryan continued dreaming the day would draw in. 几个星期过去了,莱恩仍梦想着这一天的到来。
The weeks, dreary and painful, dragged by and turned into months. 日子沉闷而难熬,一个星期一个星期,一个月一个月地过去了。
The weight allowance is 20 kilos per traveler, excluding hang luggage. 每位旅客行李的重量限额是20公斤,不包括手提行李。
The weight and the admissibility of the evidences collected in the inspections of crime scenes are expected to be legalized. 此外,现场勘查中所采集到的证据的证明力和证据能力等问题也有待立法加以明确。
The weight is too much for my height. 相对于我的身高来说,体重太重了!
The weight lifter's strength peaked just in time for the competition. 这名举重选手的力气正好在比赛期间达到顶点。
The weight of the ball makes the trampoline sink in the middle. 球的重量将使蹦床中部下陷。

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