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The prevalent opinion is in favour of reform.

The prevalence is obviously increasing with aging, and coronary heart disease is the main cause of the elder AF cases. 阵发性房颤转为永久性或持续性房颤的发生率为24.2%,胺碘酮对阵发性房颤复律总有效率为83.3%,无患者发生脑卒中,调查对象57.9%接受了抗血小板治疗。
The prevalence of clinically significant depressive symptomsamong community-dwelling older adults ranges from approximately 8% to 16%. 达到临床意义的忧郁症状在社区老人的盛行率大约爲8%至16%,而样本取自社区的老年重度忧郁症盛行率较低,大约爲1%至4%。
The prevalence of methane also means that a pinkish-orange haze may have shrouded the planet, as it does Saturn's largest moon, Titan. 甲烷的充斥也意味著行星可能被一种粉红略带橙色的霾所笼罩,这正是土星最大卫星「土卫六」的写照。
The prevalence of nonstandard helmets? 非标准头盔使用率?
The prevalence of these problems points to fundamental issues beyond a specific industry or short-term period. 上述低迷状况如此普遍,说明出现了一些根本性的问题,这些问题不仅限于某个行业、也不仅是短期内存在。
The prevalent opinion is in favour of reform. 一般舆论都支持改革.
The preventing and remedying desertification puts into practice prevention as main,principle of combining ecology protection with Prevensing and remedying,principle of preventing and remedy and economy development and utilization coodinated and promoting, 沙漠化防治实行预防为主,生态保护与防治结合原则,防治与经济开发利用相协调促进原则;综合防治与分类控制相结合;公众参与和整治者受益结合;对不同责任主体实行不同责任承担原则,由人为不当活动造成的沙漠化治理责任,实行行为者负担原则;对自然作用造成的沙漠化治理实行政府负担为主,受益者合理负担原则;确立统一规划制度;沙漠化状况调查评估与监测预警制度,休耕限耕和扶贫结合制度,禁限制度,优先区域与紧急行动区域制度。
The prevention and control of rock burst are of great significance for safely exploiting deep deposit in high-stress area. 摘要岩爆的预防和控制对深部高应力区矿床的安全开采具有十分重要的意义。
The prevention and suggestion is brought up, it is important for a good drain system for preventing soil secondary salinization, it can lowerer the underground water lever and ejecter the soil salt in order to adapt to douche and drain. 为了防止土壤次生盐渍化,良好的排水系统是非常重要的,它可以降低地下水位和排出土壤盐分,做到灌排配套。
The prevention of corruption and the realization of basic human right make it historically inevitable to legalize the education goal, which is shown in the legalization of education right and the right to receive education. 权力腐败的防治和基本人权的实现,使得教育目标法治化成为历史的必然,并表现为教育权和受教育权的法治化。
The prevention of such crimes is a systems engineering, which need to establish a sound education, systems, to monitor both the punishment and prevention networks, and in particular to build a comprehensive legal networks of scientific authority, and to e 预防职务犯罪是一个系统工程,必须建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防网络体系,特别是要构建完备的法制网络体系,科学的配置权力,提高权力运行的透明度,改革和强化全方位、多渠道的监督机制,发挥各种监督力量的综合优势和整体效应,各个监督主体齐抓共管,才能真正达到预防职务犯罪的目的。

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