Contents: 1. Exhibition and promotion of Li &Miao ethnic snacks and home-made rice wine; 2. Hainanese performance and Philippine band shows. |
中文意思: 内容:1.展销黎苗族各类小吃和自酿酒;2.举行海南歌舞和菲律宾乐队表演。 |
Contents are likewise clear indicators of who's who by what's what: fish scales and crayfish parts suggest otter, says Halfpenny in his field guide.
同样地,成份也是明显指标,因为某些动物吃的就是某些食物,哈夫彭尼在他的野外指南写道:如果内含鱼鳞和螯虾壳,表示是水獭的。 |
Contents hydrolysis albumen, wheat bud iso - nourishment essence, can permeate quickly To the hair lay inside the, change thin microstructural in hair, special abstraction bone collagen Albumen and the gum of s refine the article, enhancing the cellulose
含丰富水份的滋润配方和先进的修护烫发成份,在烫发过程中补充头发的各种必须营养素,令头发角质张开时得到深层修护,并补充流失的氨基酸,保护头发,令烫后秀发的卷度更有弹性、光泽柔亮。 |
Contents like date, time, and currency will be displayed according to that location or region.
类似于日期、事件以及货币的内容将根据“本地”属性以及“区域”属性被展示出来。 |
Contents of accession register include but not limit to: name, date of birth, address, ID number, signature, date of accession, photo, ID copy, contact phone number, resume, etc.
入厂登记表应包括的内容有:姓名,出生日期,地址,身份证号码,员工签名,入厂日期,相片,身份证复印件,联系电话,工作简历等等。 |
Contents of the feeding include policies of industrial products, tax income, price, fund and insurance, as well as the industrialized system and idea, etc.
从内容上讲,主要包括工业产品、税收、价格、工业化制度、工业化理念、资金和保险支持等。 |
Contents: 1. Exhibition and promotion of Li &Miao ethnic snacks and home-made rice wine; 2. Hainanese performance and Philippine band shows.
内容:1.展销黎苗族各类小吃和自酿酒;2.举行海南歌舞和菲律宾乐队表演。 |
Contents: 1. Vietnam food show; 2. Featured cultural performance.
内容:1.展示越南系列菜2.特色文艺晚会。 |
Contents: General sessions on worship, personal worship, worship clinic (for those who serve in worship ministry), concert of prayer, camp fire etc.
内容:敬拜专题分享,个人敬拜实践,敬拜工作室﹝适合已参与音乐事奉的弟兄姊妹﹞,同心求,营火会等。 |
Contents: Map brackets, grinding wheel heads or valves in spraying machine.
作业内容:支架、砂轮头架或喷洒机阀体等零件的测绘。 |
Contents: Our country the company manage to practice of turn into process,existing antinomy and development trend,produce power system the entrepreneur manpower in the reform capital value peace treaty to tie a mechanism*the company manage medium results
主要内容:公司治理实践的演变过程、现有矛盾和发展趋势、产权制度改革中企业家人力资本价值和约束机制、公司治理中的绩效管理、利益机制和管理能力。 |
Contents: understand the assembly drawing of a jack and complete detail drawings of a screw thread insert by the assembly drawing.
内容:读懂千斤顶装配图,并由装配图拆画件2螺套的零件图。 |