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The results also showed that three solanum plants had no significant difference in the effect on the survival rate of larva and pupa, the fecundity of adults.

The results also indicated that the breeding method of HPHR is an effective measure for the super high-yielding rice breeding. 选育重穗型杂交稻是水稻超高产育种的可行的技术途径。
The results also show that bryophyte life forms in Sangong River Valley are relatively rich, which indicates the biodiversity characteristics of bryophyte in this valley. 从分析结果还可知,新疆三工河流域苔藓植物的种类和生活型类型是比较丰富的,反映出该流域独特而复杂的苔藓植物多样性特点。
The results also show that the plasma flow guiding may be used to modify the seaweed-like nano-sheets from random orientations to parallel alignment. 同样的,亦可藉由电浆导流板之施加使得原本无续排列之海草状碳片得以平行排列。
The results also show that work characteristics change perceived by employees that have external locus of control has a more significant positive impact on organizational commitment. 此外本研究结果显示,外控倾向之员工,其工作特性变动对组织承诺之影响显着高于内控倾向之员工。
The results also showed that the effect of other impurity atom could be avoided by analyzing the cross section of the sample with microzone-Raman spectrum. 陶器样品剖面的微区拉曼光谱分析可有效地避免样品表面其他掺杂原子的影响。
The results also showed that three solanum plants had no significant difference in the effect on the survival rate of larva and pupa, the fecundity of adults. 在3种茄科植物上,茄廿八星瓢虫幼虫取食量、成虫产卵量、幼虫及蛹的存活率均无显著差异,而在南瓜上存在显著差异。
The results analyzed by FT-IR and TEM show that the epoxy resin has been grafted to the water-borne polyurethane and the epoxy groups and hydroxyl of the epoxy resin are all taken part in the reaction. 傅立叶变换红外光谱和透射电镜分析结果表明,环氧树脂已接枝到水性聚氨酯分子上,且环氧树脂的羟基和环氧基全部参与了发应。
The results and clarity are incredible! 效果和清晰度是难以置信的。
The results appeared that in the different Remain Times (RT), the impactions of each operate-factor on the absorption of volatile substance in the SPME fiber varied. 在不同保留时间段,挥发性物质在萃取纤维上的吸附情况受到操作因素的影响不同。
The results are a wonderful sight. 因而呈现在眼前的是令人赞叹的景观。
The results are achieved by more transparent way. 结果是以更为透明可见的方式取得的。

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