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The convention? starts on the 24th of March?.

The convention sets guidelines to reduce the global supply and demand for tobacco through various measures, such as pricing and taxes, as well as non-price measures that can dampen demand. 大会设置指南减少对烟草的全球性供给和需求通过各种各样的措施,譬如定价和税,并且可能挫伤需求的非价格措施。
The convention sets standards and procedures for international adoptions, but critics say it also creates expensive and time consuming bureaucratic hurdles . 该协议为国际收养制定了标准和程序,但是批评家说这也造成了费用昂贵且耗时的官僚主义阻碍.
The convention sets standards and procedures for international adoptions, but critics say it also creates expensive and time consuming bureaucratic hurdles. 这项协议为跨国领养设定了标准和程序,但有批评家指出,它也设置起了昂贵又耗时的官僚主义壁垒。
The convention sets standards and procedures for international adoptions, but critics say it also creates expensive and time-consuming bureaucratic hurdles. 该协议规定了国际领养的的标准和程序,但是评论家表示它也造成了昂贵且好事的官僚主义障碍。
The convention that an American should run the bank while a European runs the International Monetary Fund, is exactly the sort of unmeritocratic horse-trading that both the fund and the bank deplore in developing countries (and Mr Bush deplores at the UN) 按照惯例,世行行长应为美国人而世界货币基金的主席应为欧洲人.这是反精英主义的讨价还价,使得发展中国家对基金组织与世行深恶痛绝(就像布什对联合国也深恶痛绝)。
The convention? starts on the 24th of March?. 公约于三月二十四日生效。
The conventional managements mainly focus on the prevention of relavant complications or maintain of the present vision acuity, but fail to getting rid of the thrombus. 传统治疗方法旨在预防并发症的出现和保存现有视力,没有从根本上解除血栓的阻塞作用。
The conventional method to prompt the heat decomposition of chlorate candle depends on the combustion of metal fuels mixed in chlorate candle. 摘要传统的氧烛是将氯酸盐或高氯酸盐与金属燃料、催化剂混合后压缩所制得。
The conventional methods are meant to bring out fingerprint patterns with regular light and they have to treat those with powder, which alters them. 美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家们采用了一种新技术,可以观察到原本很难在物体表面上看见的指纹。
The conventional methods of the gemmology and the modern instruments of electronic probe, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, cathodoluminescence spectrometer are used to research and analyse the flux-grown synt 摘要采用常规的宝石学研究方法以及电子探针、紫外-可见分光光度计、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪和宝石阴极发光光谱仪等现代测试仪器,对助熔剂法合成尖晶石的宝石学特征进行了全面分析,并与天然尖晶石进行了对比。
The conventional monopulse radar will track a power weighted centroid of target and be interfered when troid-interference is present. 摘要存在质心干扰情况下,普通单脉冲雷达将跟踪干扰与目标的能量重心。

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