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Don't squeeze the kitten, you will hurt it.

Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals. 饭前不要吃糖以免影响食欲.
Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you. 不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。
Don't squander your talent. 不要浪费你的才华.
Don't squat with your spurs on. 不要快速霸占。
Don't squeeze his hand; it makes him yell out in pain. 不要挤他的手,他会疼得高声喊叫。
Don't squeeze the kitten, you will hurt it. 不要紧捏那小猫,你会伤害它的。
Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing. 不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后、紧张不安。
Don't stand around gaping. 别张着嘴呆立在那儿。
Don't stand in front or behind a golfer who is ready to play. Standing to the left or right side of the player is acceptable. 球员做击球姿势时,其他人不要站在其前面,尽量站在其后的左右两侧朝击球方向看,一旦球朝有人的地方飞去时,大声呼喊“看球”提醒那里的人注意。
Don't stand in the street. 不要站在街道上。
Don't stand in the way when the police enforce the law. 别妨碍警察执法.

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