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This new economic model is knowledge economy, which is driven knowledge creation.

This new discovery will contribute to all humanity. 这个新发现将对全人类作出贡献。
This new dishwasher will get through all the dirty dishes like a dose of salts. 这台新的洗碗机一下子就洗完所有的脏盘子。
This new dress becomes you. 这件新衣服很合你身。
This new dress belongs to Annie. 这件新的洋装是安妮的。
This new drug is not yet commercially available. 这种新药还没有投放市场。
This new economic model is knowledge economy, which is driven knowledge creation. 这种新经济形态就是知识经济,她以知识创新为驱动。
This new engine is superior to the old ones in that it consumes much less fuel. 这台新发动机比那些旧的要好,因为它消耗的燃料少得多。
This new era has endowed it with varied epochal characters which lie in the following aspects: the general development of human spiritual world; the transformation of personality in this era of intellectual economy as the inevitable trend of human general 在新的时代背景下赋予了这一理论丰富的时代特质,主要表现为:人的精神世界的全面发展;知识经济时代的人格转型是人的全面发展的必然趋势;人力资源开发成为人的全面发展的主要目标;整体性範畴是深化人的全面发展的科学方法论。
This new era will be very positive. Let all beings rise. Let not one or two stay behind. 这个新纪元会十分积极。“让所有的生命起来,不要让一个或两个落后。”
This new fax machine will enhance interoffice communications. 这部新的传真机将会加强办公室间的联系。
This new fitness massager will simplify the process of body building .According to our understanding your requirements this multifunctional fabric belt. 轻松甩脂带:有了新的甩脂机,塑身将会变的非常简单。

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