The RM5 million production featured a giant imperial gate that opened up to a five-storey stage structure with magnificent props.
500万令吉林吉特制作一展可以开高5个台阶,拥有华丽小道具的,巨大的富丽堂皇的帝王大门。 |
The RNIB will publish the Braille edition simultaneously.
RNIB将同步出版盲文版。 |
The RO membrane might be perforated, which results in the increase of outlet water amount and the decrease of water quality.
反渗透膜可能被穿孔,引起出水水量上升,水质下降。 |
The RO system\'s long-term performance lies in normal operation and maintenance including device\'s trial use, starting operation and usual operational management.
反渗透系统的长期性能取决于正常的操作与维护,包括设备的试车、开始运行与平时操作管理。 |
The ROC and the People's Republic of China (PRC) enacted the Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf in December 1997 and June 1998 respectively.
南还周边国家之海洋立法与一九八二年海洋公约两者间仍有出现相左的地方。 |
The ROWAN UNIVERSITY Green Path Program is comprised of two distinct parts: one-two semesters English Language Program, and admission to a four-year degree program at Rowan Scarborough (Degree Program).
罗文大学的绿色通道项目包含两个部分:第一部分是一至两个学期的英语作为第二语言培训项目,第二部分是四年的本科学位教育。 |
The ROYCO 2000 Series Synthetic Refrigeration Compressor Lubricants are formulated from the highest quality alkylate base stocks.
ROYCO 2000系列合成冷冻压缩机油是以高质量的烷基苯为基础油的商品。 |
The RPG series on the other hand was more or less dead after an uninspired 8th installment and the abysmal Might &Magic IX.
而角色扮演方面的系列产品,在一部十分乏味的8代和差到极点的9代作品之后,算是死绝了。 |
The Raccoon is a wide, fresh-water river in west-central Iowa.
阮昆河是爱荷华州的西面中部一条宽阔的淡水河。 |
The Radio Leadership Team Office is co-located with in China Transportation &Telecommunication Center who introduces enterprise-style management.
交通部无线电管理领导小组办公室亦设在中国交通通信中心。 |
The Rafael Armament Development Authority is the national AAM house and is currently marketing its Python 5 highly agile AAM and the activeradar BVR Derby.
拉斐尔军备发展公司是以色列空空导弹研制的官方机构,当前正在出售其怪蛇5型高敏捷空空导弹和主动制导的超视距德比导弹。 |