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Conclusion: B-ultrasound, thyroid radioisotope scanning, aspiration biopsy of thyroid gland and X-ray cheque are helpfulfor the diagnosis of the nature of single thyroid nodule.

Conclusion The low histic irrigation and the functional damage of the nerve cell membrane occur after the lack of blood in the brain. 论:脑缺血后迅速发生了组织低灌流及神经细胞膜功能损害。
Conclusion: prelymphatic pathway may be the route from tissue fluid pool between the epithelial cells to lacteal in intestine. 论: 从上皮细胞的组织液池至中央乳糜管前的途径可视为小肠的淋巴管前通路。
Conclusion: ) Postoperative periodic cheque of AFP and B-ultrasonic examination would be helpful for early discovery of recurrent liver cancer. 论:)肝癌术后定期AFP和B超复查有助于早期发现复发。
Conclusion: A limited panel of Villin, CK7, and CK0 is helpful in distinguishing primary from metastatic ovarian carcinoma. And Villin is more specific than CK0 as it is lower expression in primary ovarian carcinoma. 论:Villin、CK7和CK0的测定对鉴别原发及转移性卵巢癌有重要意义,Villin在特异性方面强于CK0。
Conclusion: Aloe coarse polysaccharide may promote keratinocytes to secrete EGF,TGF-α,IL-β,IL- and IL-8. 论:芦荟粗多糖对表皮细胞分泌EGF,TGF-α,IL-β,IL-,IL-8具有促进作用。
Conclusion: B-ultrasound, thyroid radioisotope scanning, aspiration biopsy of thyroid gland and X-ray cheque are helpfulfor the diagnosis of the nature of single thyroid nodule. 论:B超、甲状腺同位素扫描、细针穿刺细胞学活检及X线检查有助于甲状腺单发结节性质的鉴别诊断。
Conclusion: Chenopodium-Pilular adina herb protected gastric mucosa and cured gastric ulcer by Promoting the secretion of NO,EGF,and increasing the expression of EGFR of gastric mucosa endothelial cell. 论:土荆芥-水团花内容物通过促进NO,EGF等胃黏膜的保护因子分泌,通过上调胃黏膜上皮细胞EGFR水平,促进溃疡愈合。
Conclusion: Clinical study shows the follows: .The curative effect of Tui Na is better than Traction group in treating PLD. 论 临床研究表明:.推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症在改善临床症状方面优于牵引治疗。
Conclusion: Codeine Co. 论 :医疗用途常规剂量使用可待因复方制剂依赖性潜力很低 ;
Conclusion: DSQ could relieve the clinical symptoms and major injury of lung induced by super-excretion of inflame cytokine through decreasing the levels of serum IL-β, IL-,IL-8 and TNF-α in the aged rats with escherihia colic pneumonia. 论:毒素清能显著影响血清IL-β、IL-、IL-8和TNF-α水平,使其接近正常水平。
Conclusion: During treating infants with HIE, scopolamine can make the cerebral functions improved at the key age, alleviate cerebral ischemia injury obviously and reduce the rate of sequelae. 论:东莨菪碱干预疗法可以使HIE患儿脑组织及脑功能在前个月得到充分改善,减少了HIE后遗症。

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