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A two-year-old red deer with its first horns.

A two-year investment plan. 两年投资计划。
A two-year term was co istent with the Basic Law's legislative intent. 两年任期符合基本法的立法原意。
A two-year term was consistent with the Basic Law's legislative intent. 两年任期符合基本法的立法原意。
A two-year-old boy donated his cornea, leaving behind him a new life of brightness. 一位两岁的男孩把自己的眼角膜捐献了出来,身后留下光明和新生。
A two-year-old boy was in a critical condition last night after being shot in the head by his four-year-old brother with their mother's handgun. 美国得克萨斯州一名两岁儿童3月13日晚头部中枪后,现在处于昏迷之中,情况紧急。而用枪射伤他的并不是别人,而是他年仅4岁的哥哥。
A two-year-old red deer with its first horns. 两岁的带有刚长出角的赤鹿
A type line between the art and the text box, which tells you what type of card it is. 卡片类型:在图案和文字之间有一行卡片类型的描述。
A type of RAM that maintains its contents only as long as the data stored in the device is refreshed at regular intervals. 一种RAM,存储在其设备中的数据被定期刷新时才能保存它的内容。
A type of asexual reproduction in which a new individual is produced as an outgrowth (bud) of the parent organism. It occurs in some unicellular fungi, such as the yeasts. 芽殖:一种无性繁殖的方式,新的个体是从母体直接出芽产生的。在一些单细胞的真菌中较为常见,例如酵母。
A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as carbon14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14
A type of development process that has gained in popularity among a number of software companies is known as Agile Software Development. 很多软件公司都采用一种流行的软件开发流程,“敏捷软件开发”。

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